American Family Fitness Blog

Your resource to living a fitter and healthier lifestyle.

6 Ways to Make Your Exercise Count

6 Ways to Make Your Exercise Count

When it comes to your regular workouts, there are ways to increase your overall calorie burn without adding more time! Here are six ideas on how to increase your metabolic burn:

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4 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

4 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

If you take in more calories than you burn your body will eventually convert those extra calories to fat. However, we have tricks and tips to help you burn more calories all day long. Burning more

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8 Ways to Invest in Yourself

8 Ways to Invest in Yourself

Think of Self Improvement Month as a personal health check-up and use September as a catalyst for self-reflection AND investing in yourself! Be honest with yourself about current habits and lifestyle

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What Walking 10,000 Steps Does (and doesn’t) Do For You

What Walking 10,000 Steps Does (and doesn’t) Do For You

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 27, 2016 on 10,000 steps/day = 3,500 calories/week calculation is based on estimations of a specific body type, so this may

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Why ‘No Pain, No Gain’ is No Longer the Standard

Why ‘No Pain, No Gain’ is No Longer the Standard

As you near closer to the end of a tough workout, you might try telling yourself “no pain, no gain” to help motivate you to make it through. Many pride themselves on muscle soreness after a workout.

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How To Achieve Lasting Fitness Results

How To Achieve Lasting Fitness Results

With over a decade of experience as a personal trainer I have met with thousands of people looking to change their health, appearance, confidence, and physical capabilities. I have had the privilege

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5 Reasons to Work Out with a Friend

5 Reasons to Work Out with a Friend

Let’s be real – no matter our fitness level or experience in the gym, we are all looking for the easiest way to stay motivated and workout in a time efficient way so we can enjoy other areas of our

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The 10 Most Common Factors that Sabotage Fitness Goals

The 10 Most Common Factors that Sabotage Fitness Goals

No matter what the fad diets and fitness challenges tell you, getting fit is a long-term commitment, and it does not necessarily yield instant results. There’s no way around it: making significant

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Body Positivity During Your Fitness Journey

Body Positivity During Your Fitness Journey

When you embark on your fitness journey, no matter what the goal specifics may be, optimal health is always the underlying theme. And as you work towards better health, the focus is typically

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Put Your Safety First

Put Your Safety First

As the weather warms up, pools are preparing to open and crowds are gearing up to head to the beach, river, and lakes. National Water Safety Month is the perfect time to ensure you and your families

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