October 4, 2021

4 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

If you take in more calories than you burn your body will eventually convert those extra calories to fat. However, we have tricks and tips to help you burn more calories all day long. Burning more calories throughout the day will allow you to indulge a bit on your favorite treats (within reason of course). The goal: no added pounds.


To better understand how to boost your metabolic rate lets first explain what it is.

What is metabolic rate? An individual’s metabolic rate is the amount of energy (measured as calories) expended in a given period to maintain life. It is determined by height, weight, lean muscle mass, age, gender and genetics. While you have no control over your height, age, gender (although, in these modern times…:-)), or genetics, you can work at increasing your lean muscle mass and decreasing overall body fat to help change your metabolic rate.

Can I increase my metabolic rate? Yes. The principles listed below can help you increase your resting metabolic rate.

  1. Focus on consuming fiber-rich foods. Foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes will take more energy for your body to break down, digest and utilize compared to foods with minimal fiber content. A simple way to increase the fiber content in the day is to aim for a fruit or vegetable serving with every meal and snack.

  2. Eat small meals every 3 - 4 hours. Eating every 3 – 4 hours will fuel your furnace by forcing the body to consistently work digesting and utilizing nutrients consumed.

  3. Consume lean protein with every meal and snack. It costs the body more energy to convert protein-rich foods into energy that can be utilized than it does carbohydrates or fats. To maximize fat burning potential, eat lean protein with complex carbohydrates every 3 - 4 hours. Examples of lean protein include chicken breast, fish, egg whites, nonfat yogurt, turkey, bison, pork and lean ground beef. As with every other nutrition principle, no need to go overboard. An active individual only needs approximately 0.6—0.8 grams protein per pound of body weight.

  4. Lift some iron. The greater amount of lean muscle mass you have, the more calories your body requires. Therefore, spending time pumping iron or participating in other resistance training will increase your metabolic rate all day.


Did you know that you can BURN MORE CALORIES when you...


Walk while you talk. A great way to increase movement and add steps to your day is to walk while you talk on the phone. Every step counts!

Drink caffeinated tea or coffee. Studies indicate caffeine actually has a positive metabolic boosting effect on the body, increasing overall calorie burn.

Be a fidgeter. Fidgeting during the day will actually increase overall calorie burn. The specific amount of calories burned will vary from person to person, depending upon the height, weight, and amount of fidgeting you do.

Laugh more. Laughter really is the best medicine. Over the holidays I hope your days are filled with laughter and joy. Not only will laughing burn more calories, but it also helps reduce stress and anxiety and promotes healthy relationships. Find a funny joke, share with friends, and burn more calories—a win-win for all!

Eat spicy foods. Research indicates spicy foods have a higher thermic effect—meaning it takes more energy for your body to convert into energy it can use. It may not be tremendously significant, but hey, every little boost helps. Go ahead and enjoy that cayenne pepper dark chocolate!

Break up exercise. Break up your exercise into smaller, more frequent sessions throughout the day. Studies have found when you break exercise into smaller segments through the day you actually burn more calories. There really is no reason why you don’t have time to get in 20 minutes of exercise during the holidays! Break this up into two 10-minute sessions, or even four 5-minute sessions of exercise.


"While weight loss is important, what's more important is the quality of food you put in your body - food is information that quickly changes your metabolism and genes."

- Mark Hyman


Article contributed by amfamfit

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