American Family Fitness Blog

Your resource to living a fitter and healthier lifestyle.

New Blood Pressure Guidelines Released – Six Ways to Lower Your Number

New Blood Pressure Guidelines Released – Six Ways to Lower Your Number

New blood pressure guidelines were announced on Monday, November 13 at the American Heart Association Conference in Anaheim, California. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is now defined as having

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How to Make the Most of Your Gym Membership

How to Make the Most of Your Gym Membership

Picture this: You decide to join the gym.

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Sugar, Sugar Everywhere

Sugar, Sugar Everywhere

Depending on the number of trick-or-treaters in your house, there is a very good chance you are waking up this morning with more candy than you gave away last night. According to a survey by the

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Working Out In Groups: Your Ticket to Commitment

Working Out In Groups: Your Ticket to Commitment

Here’s the scenario. You finally join a gym because you’ve decided to really take control of your life and your personal wellness plan. You’re gonna do it this time! You put your workouts on your

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A Surprisingly Easy Abs Workout You Won’t Mind Doing

A Surprisingly Easy Abs Workout You Won’t Mind Doing

Some abs exercises can become a way of being or a natural part of how you move or maintain healthy postures. Other abs workouts require specific moves you can do at home; and then there are abs

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3 Challenging Swimming Workouts for Any Level

3 Challenging Swimming Workouts for Any Level

If you haven’t spent much time swimming laps, or doing water-specific workouts, you’ll be shocked at how exhausted you are when you exit the the water. Not only does swimming facilitate calorie

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