Your Summer Survival Guide For Body Positivity

Written by amfamfit | May 23, 2022 10:11:25 PM
Summer is here! Though these days are filled with fun, friends, and pool time, many of us shy away from summer activities when faced with the idea of being in a bathing suit. Check out these tips to keep your mind and body image positive while making the best memories this summer with your family and friends.

1. It starts with self-love.

Regardless of where you are on your journey or what your goals are, you must remember that you are worthy. You are worth the time and effort to feed yourself right and not push yourself too hard, so that you can feel better, live better, and perform better in all areas of life.

2. Define your ‘WHY’ and believe in it.
Why do you want to eat healthily?
Why do you want to prevent chronic disease?
Why do you want to feel better?
Why do you want to exercise?
Why have you started this journey?
Find your ‘WHY,’ and you will find your way. Respect other people’s whys and ways. Remember, we are all on a different journey.

3. Remove the negative.
From the coffee cup or photo that conjures up a bad memory to the food that makes you sick to your stomach, identify the things that are pulling you down. Reduce, remove, and eliminate them when possible.

4. Nourish your body, mind, and soul…daily.
Eat foods that nourish you and are filled with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that empower you to live better. Fill your mind with words that inspire you. Find books, apps, and websites that you can read on a daily basis. Participate in activities that surround you with people that bring joy to you and your life.

5. Find what works for YOU, and make it happen.
A healthy mind and body is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. Do what you need to make it happen. Seek professional help, support, and guidance along the way.

Here is a list of short mantras you can repeat to empower you to love yourself just as you are:

  • I am perfectly imperfect. My imperfections make me unique in this world. I embrace my imperfections and embrace the imperfections of my loved ones.
  • I choose my path. My path may include bumps, uphill climbs, and even a few detours, but these obstacles make me stronger and wiser as I continue on the journey.
  • I choose to be grateful for all of it.
  • I have done enough for today, and I did the best I could today.
  • I have everything I need.
  • I am worthy of love. I am worthy of being cherished by others.
  • My gifts are worth sharing with others.
  • I will not compare myself to my family or friends. I am on my own journey.
  • I will walk my path and support my loved ones as they walk theirs.
  • I am strong enough to handle whatever is given to me.
  • I trust that I will find the strength within me to do what I need to do if an obstacle feels too overwhelming for me.
  • I am tougher and braver than I appear.
  • I got this!
  • I am enough.