So You Overindulged? Do's and Don'ts

Written by amfamfit | Dec 15, 2021 6:56:52 PM

While sharing ways to help empower you not to overeat is important, we want to also give real and practical advice for what happens if you do overeat. Here are a few things not to do and to do:

Don't vow to go on a diet or a cleanse. As tempting as it might sound, going on a diet or a cleanse is the worst thing you can do after a binge. The truth is that dieting and restrictive eating usually backfires and sets you up for the binge - starve cycle that triggers food cravings and the urge to overeat. Avoid banning or restricting certain foods, and, instead, focus on eating in moderation. Overeating one meal is not going to cause you to gain weight. The problem occurs when overeating becomes a regular habit.

Do be aware of your self-talk. Telling yourself how "terrible" or "fat" you are will only set you up to feel defeated and depressed, increasing the chances of turning to food for comfort, and, eventually, overeating.

Do give yourself grace for being human.

Do forgive yourself and move on.

Do remember all the beautiful and wonderful things your body can do.

Do know that you are enough.

Do make an effort to slow down and tune into the foods you are eating at your next meal or snack.