How To Stay Consistent In The Gym

Written by amfamfit | Jan 11, 2024 3:33:00 PM
New year, new me! I'm committed to going to the gym every day! Sound familiar?  
According to the Statista Global Consumer Survey, 52% of respondents agreed to exercise more in 2023.1 But past research from U.S. News has shown that by the second week of February, about 80% of people who've made resolutions will have abandoned them.2
With the new year's excitement, it's easy to make grandiose comments announcing significant lifestyle changes. After all, a new year is a "clean slate," and past failures are erased, so we tend to make resolutions to be healthier and resolve that THIS is our year!
Change is an admirable intention and not one to be ignored – after all, we WANT people to make changes towards a healthier lifestyle to improve their health and quality of life. But what prevents most people from carrying out their resolution is that there is no plan to see the resolution through to the end.  
When it comes to seeing results in the gym, more than one workout every once in a while is needed. It helps to remain committed to the change you want to make despite whatever obstacles may present themselves along the way. Consistency is the most important thing when changing to achieve your desired results.
So, the big question that got you to read this is: How do I stay consistent, especially in the gym? You can implement several strategies as part of an overall plan to remain consistent with your workouts.
Set clear, achievable goals.
Setting goals sounds simple, and it is, but we encourage you to put some thought into this. A specific goal gives you something to work toward and can help you stay motivated. Make sure your goals are realistic and measurable. Instead of saying, "I want to go to the gym every day," set a goal like "I want to lift weights three times a week for 45 minutes" or "I want to reach 10,000 steps a day in 8 weeks." Break down these goals into smaller, manageable milestones to track your progress. Learn more about making your goals clear and achievable by setting SMART goals!
Create a workout schedule
Consistency is easier to maintain when you have a set schedule. Plan your workouts, including the days, times, and types of exercises you plan to do. Planning in advance helps you avoid the mentality of "I'll go to the gym when I have time," which often leads to missed workouts. Treat your gym time as a non-negotiable appointment, just like any other commitment in your life.  
Find a workout partner.
Having someone to workout with can increase your commitment to your workouts because, in addition to committing to the workout, you're committing your time to someone else. You're less likely to skip the gym when someone is counting on you. Working out with a friend can make your gym sessions more enjoyable and provide a sense of accountability. You can motivate each other and reach your fitness goals together.
Mix up your routine.
Repetitive workouts can lead to boredom and burnout and thus decrease motivation and consistency. To stay engaged and committed to your workouts, mix up your routine by trying different exercises, equipment, classes, or workout styles. Incorporating a variety makes your workouts more exciting and prevents plateaus and overuse injuries. A well-rounded workout regime that balances strength training, cardio, and flexibility can help.  
Track your progress.
Keeping a record of your workouts and progress can be a powerful motivator to help maintain consistency. Use a workout journal or a fitness app to track your sets, reps, and the weight you lift. You can also measure your body's changes, such as weight, body fat percentage, and measurements. When you see improvement and progress over time, it can boost your motivation and commitment. Remember, it takes time for progress to show, so when it seems like you're not getting anywhere with your workouts, focus on the other techniques mentioned to maintain your consistency.  

Prioritize recovery.
Consistency doesn't just apply to showing up in the gym. It applies to all areas of health and wellness that impact your desired end goal, including recovery. Proper recovery is essential to prevent burnout and injuries. Ensure you sleep 7-9 hours each night, eat a balanced diet of nutrient-dense foods, and incorporate rest days into your routine. Recovery allows your body to repair and grow stronger so you can maintain your gym schedule for the long haul.  

Stay accountable.
Being accountable to yourself is vital, but sometimes external motivation can be helpful. Consider hiring a Personal Trainer or taking a Group Fitness class. These options have built-in accountability; you're less likely to skip sessions when invested in them. Additionally, you can seek support from online fitness communities or friends who share similar fitness goals.  
Stay positive and remain patient.
Results take time, and setbacks are a natural part of a fitness journey. Stay positive and patient. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they seem, and don't be discouraged by temporary plateaus or occasional missed workouts. Stay committed to your long-term goals, and you'll find it easier to stay consistent in the gym.

Remember that consistency is critical to getting the desired results in the gym. If you can set your goals to be measured, plan your workouts ahead of time, find accountability through a workout partner or trainer, and trust that the process will take time, you will see and feel tremendous changes to your lifestyle. We guarantee it! 


  1. Buchholtz, Katharina. America’s Top Resolutions for 2023. Satista,
  1. Luciani, Joseph. Why 80% of New Year’s Resolutions Fail. U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 29, 2015,