The Secret Sauce: Color-Coded Cardio

Written by Admin | Jan 8, 2018 10:15:08 AM

It’s January, and I know what you’re thinking: This is gonna be my year. Yes! I’m ready to hit the cardio hard, shed those extra pounds, and lift whatever it takes to sculpt, shape, and define a new me. I will make it work, and I won’t give up.

You know what? Even if you’ve tried before and fallen short of your goal (and we all have at some point), I believe in you this time. I’m confident you’re going to kill it in 2018, because you have the drive, and we’re giving you the tools to make it happen.

What’s different about this this year? Well, at American Family Fitness, we’ve agreed to go BIG to make you little…well, littl(er), if that’s what you’re going for. We can help you burn calories, drop pounds, and reach your fitness goals faster than ever before.

You see, early last year we heard about this whole color-coded cycling thing, and we wanted to check it out. What did we do? We piled a bunch of cycle enthusiasts into the car, drove up to a fitness club in DC, and literally had the most energizing cycling experience of our lives. We continued to research this fascinating program throughout the year, along with many other industry-leading options, and then finally pulled the trigger to introduce this secret sauce to you. It’s called Coach by Color, and it won’t disappoint.

If you haven’t heard of it yet, you’re in for a treat that will definitely heat things up for you and your legs. Moving through various cool to warm (or should I say HOT) color zones, our brand-new cycle program is going to spice up your cardio routine like never before.

You see, our expectations – and yours – are bigger this year. At home, at work, at school, wherever you go, life is about the experience, and we promise to deliver the best one possible at our clubs. We’re amping up our cycle studios with a lighting package that will knock your socks off, brand new Life Fitness iC7 bikes to die for, and the technology to give you real-time feedback as you ride, so you can see your fitness level skyrocket right before your eyes. Tangible results, anyone? Mic. Drop.

If you’ve ever pedaled along to the music and wondered if you’re really doing an effective workout, you won’t have to ponder that question any longer. With our certified instructors guiding you through the smartest, most engaging ride available, you can be sure you’re going to get the training you’re looking for and the fun-factor to keep you coming back for more. Plus, you can sync your ride to the ICG Training App and take your results with you, enabling you to track your progress over time. Wanna see your power levels increase and your waistline decrease? Yes, please!

Now’s the time to give it a try at our Short Pump and Virginia Center Commons clubs, with the rest of our locations rolling out throughout 2018. It’s new to everyone right now, so stop by soon and see what the buzz is all about. Even if you’ve never ridden a bike before, you can do this, and you can stay committed to it. You just need some sturdy sneakers, a water bottle, a towel, and a can-do attitude. No fancy padded shorts or clip-in shoes required! Just introduce yourself to the instructor a few minutes before class starts, and you’ll be set up for success at any fitness level.

Don’t forget that as with anything in life, you really should try it at least 3 times before you make your final call on whether it’s a win for you. Come back, take another ride, and you’ll be hooked before you know it.

Be sure to reserve your bike up to 48 hours in advance at the Welcome Desk, and you won’t be sorry. This is the year you will make it happen, and we’re here to help.

Kate Rezabek, M.Ed. is the Director of Group Fitness at American Family Fitness in Richmond, VA. She’s been in the fitness industry since 2004 when she met her first fitness love: Group Cycling. She is now certified in several different program formats including AFAA Primary Group Fitness, six MOSSA programs, Spinning, Pilates, Alloy, TRX Suspension Training, Personal Training, and is an RYT-200 through YogaFit. Kate graduated from the University of Richmond in 2002 with a B.A. in Leadership Studies and Communication Studies and from Lehigh University in 2004 with an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership. Her professional background in education, business strategy, employee training, and client engagement prepared her for a full-time move into the business side of fitness in 2014 when she brought her experience from the office to her passion in the clubs. Follow her on Twitter and InstaGram (@KateRezabek) and comment on her blog,, where she writes about leading with character and integrity.