December 7, 2018

Spotlight on Aquatics and Diabetes

The role of structured exercise in the life of the patient with diabetes cannot be overstated. Time and again, research has shown the ability for an ongoing exercise program to improve cardiopulmonary factors, quality of life and diabetic markers for patients with chronic conditions like diabetes. But this begs the question: Is it more effective to workout in the pool or on land? The answer is, it depends. Patients with significant mobility limitations due to obesity or severe deconditioning will find the pool a welcoming environment. It is easier to perform activities like running and jumping when supported by the buoyancy inherent in water.

But the water can also make things too easy. Patients who spend a lot of time hanging in the deep water, making use of buoyant devices such as noodles or belts, may not be elevating the heart rate, oxygen consumption or other signals of “effort” to nearly high enough rates to burn calories. Patients who are immersed in the water to chest deep have a powerful force aiding their heart in pushing blood – hydrostatic pressure. So, while immersion will increase the work of breathing by up to 60%, it will make it harder to reach target heart rates for training. A helpful tool for patients who want to get a good workout in water is to do a simple “talk test” where they try to carry on a conversation. If the patient needs to breath every word or two, he or she is working too hard, creating an oxygen debt which will not allow aerobic activity to occur. If it is possible for the patient to belt out a phrase of music or complete a sentence without needing a breath, it is definitely time to up the amp on the workout parameters!

For more information about our Aquatics programs, click here or contact Debbi Moore, Director of Aquatics.

Content courtesy of the National Swimming Pool Foundation

Article contributed by Geraldine Chapman

Geraldine Chapman is the Director of Information Marketing & Social Media at American Family Fitness in Richmond, VA. She’s been in the fitness industry professionally since 1997 as a personal trainer, group fitness manager, and fitness instructor. She has trained and certified in multiple fitness programs over the years. Her favorites to teach are barre, Active®, Blast®, and Power®. Geraldine graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a B.A. in Communication Arts & Design. She is also a Certified High-Performance Coach and Applied Neuro Strategist. She is passionate about researching autoimmune diseases and how lifestyle, fitness, nutrition, and mindset play a vital role in the prevention and management of autoimmune issues. When not working, you can find Geraldine with a camera in hand, enjoying quality time with her family and riding her motorcycle around town.

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