Make Your Goals “S-M-A-R-T” to Make Yourself Successful!

Written by Lauren Rinker | Jan 11, 2021 12:13:32 PM

Raise your hand if you’ve made a New Years resolution before but didn’t stick with it 🖐

It’s okay, we’ve all been there. Sometimes things happen that can derail any resolution you’ve made (helloooo 2020 😬).

If you’ve made a resolution for 2021, we’re proud of you! You’re ready to do something good for you, whatever that may be. To help you be better prepared and more likely to achieve resolution success, make sure your resolution is “SMART” (a strategic method for setting goals) 👇

Be clear on what you want to achieve. Instead of “I want to be stronger”, be more specific with something like, “I want to strength train more to be stronger.”

Your goal should be measurable so you can track your progress easily. Using the above example, saying “I want to strength train 3 days a week to increase my muscle mass by 2lbs” provides a measurable way to track your progress.

A goal should be something that you can eventually achieve with commitment. For instance, “I want to squat 500lbs in 3 months” is a very specific goal, but if you haven’t been strength training already then this goal may be out of reach. Instead, think about what you can achieve within a realistic time frame and without barriers to your success.

Goals should be relevant to your abilities, interests, and needs. Using the example above, if your goal is to strength train 3 days a week to increase muscle mass, spending most of your gym time running on the treadmill wouldn’t be the best approach. Instead, follow  a strength training program that will directly impact your goal.

Goals ideally have an estimated timeline for completion, which will help you stay on top of your goal instead of putting it off. For example, “I want to strength train 3 days a week to increase my muscle mass by 2lbs in 3 months” gives you a timeline to get stronger.


So, take a look at your resolution for 2021 from a SMART perspective 🤓 and you’ll be closer to crushing it! 💪